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Client indexes are a great way to analyze your client's demographics. This feature allows you to set up different categories (e.g., Location, Age, Education, Height, Weight, Income, etc.). These category serve as indexes which you can assign multiple values (e.g., the values for Location could be: West Coast, East Coast, Mid West; the values for Height could be: < 5 feet, 5-6 feet, > 6 feet; Weight: Less than 100 lbs, 100-130 lbs, 130-160 lbs; etc.) Once you've created the indexes and index values, you can assign them to each one of your clients.

Client indexes can be used in client searches, for tagging clients in order to send mass emails to a similar group, and for many reports.

Client indexes vs. client types

Client indexes are similar to client types. Both can actually be used to manage the same information. However, they do have different advantages:

  • Client types are good for survey-type information because a client can have multiple client types. For example, client types could be "Yoga," "Pilates," and "Spin." If a client participates in all three of these activities, the client can have all three checked.
  • Client indexes are more structured and offer a wide range of values, but a client is only allowed one value per index. For example, a client index could be "Age." But the client can only have one age index value (e.g., 20-29) assigned.

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How to use client indexes

Step 1: Create a client index

  1. To find the Client Indexes screen, click in the Search for or jump to a client field, and select Advanced client lookup in the menu on the upper far left of your site.

  2. Then, select Tools, and choose Client Indexes.

  3. To create a new index, enter its name (ex., "Age," "Location," "Skill Level," etc.) into the "Name" field at the top of the screen. Then, check or uncheck the boxes to the right according to your preferences. Below is an explanation of what they do:

  • Active: When the Active box is checked, it means this index is available for use. If you don't want to assign it to clients anymore, uncheck the box. It will be moved to the bottom of the list, but it won't be deleted.
  • Sort Order: Controls the order in which indexes are displayed. The lower numbers (e.g., 1) get displayed before the bigger numbers (e.g., 4). If you don't assign a sort order, the indexes display in alphabetical order.
  • Show on Enrollment Roster: If you check this, you can filter out clients that match different indexes on your workshops enrollment roster. Read more about filtering your indexes by clicking here.
  • Edit on Enrollment Roster: If you check this, then you can change a client's index on the enrollment roster.
  • Show on Add Client: This allows you to assign an index value (such as Male or Female) on the screen where you add clients.
  • Show in Consumer Mode: This shows a client which index has been assigned to him or her when they log in to Consumer Mode.
  • Required in Consumer Mode: This forces your client to assign an index to himself/herself when they first log in. It's a good way to make sure that all of your clients have been properly indexed. This is available in branded web, but not branded app.
  • Required in Business Mode: This forces you or your staff to assign an index to clients when they are first added to the system. It's a good way to make sure that all of your clients have been properly indexed.

When you have the index set up just how you want it, click Add New Client Index.

Note: If you have created more than ten client indexes, only the first ten will display on the enrollment screen.

Step 2: Create client index values

You can toggle between pages by clicking on Client Index Values in the upper-right corner.

If you are not currently on the Client Indexes page, you can click in the Search for or jump to a client field, and select Advanced client lookup in the menu.

To create the index values:

  1. Select Tools, and choose Client Index Values.

  2. At the top, use the drop-down box to find the index that you just created.

  3. Type in a value for the index.

    • For example, if the index was "Skill Level," then the value might be "Beginner." If the index was "County," then the value might be "Los Angeles County."
  4. Click Add New Index Value.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you have added all of the values needed for this client index.

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Step 3: Assign client indexes to your clients

Use the Search for or jump to a client field at the top left of your screen.

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Type in the name of a client and click Search.
  2. On the Client Info screen, in the Client Indexes section, click Assign.
  3. Use the drop-down lists next to each index to assign a value.
  4. Click the Update button.

From the Contact Logs screen, follow this menu path: Clients > Lookup Client . Or, if your site looks like the image below, just use the Search for or jump to a client field at the top left of your screen.

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Click to view the client's contact logs.
  2. Click on the Client Indexes field.
  3. Click on the Assign link. You will be directed to a new page titled Client Indexes.
  4. Assign the indexes and click Update to save your changes. You will be directed back to the client's Contact Logs screen.

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How to make clients assign themselves indexes

You can make indexes mandatory in Consumer Mode, meaning that your clients will not be able to sign up for classes or create logins until they have picked a value from one of your required indexes. Also, if you tell the system to display a client index in Consumer Mode, then your clients can log in and change the index values assigned to them.

To make client indexes required in Consumer Mode:

  1. Click in the Search for or jump to a client field, and select Advanced client lookup in the menu.

  2. Then, select Tools, and choose Client Indexes.

  3. Check the boxes next to all three:

    • Active?
    • Required?
    • Show in Consumer Mode?
  4. Click on the Update Client Indexes button at the bottom.

Client indexes are also connected to the Missing Required Info client alert, which triggers if you've looked up a client that hasn't been assigned a required index.

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How to make staff assign clients their indexes

Click in the Search for or jump to a client field, and select Advanced client lookup in the menu. Then, select Tools, and choose Client Indexes.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check boxes in the "Require in Business Mode?" column for indexes that you want to enforce.
  2. Click the Update Client Indexes button at the bottom.

To enable the Required Info Alert:

  1. Click in the Search for or jump to a client field, and select Advanced client lookup in the menu.
  2. Select Tools, and choose Client Alerts.
  3. Then, select the Missing Required Fields alert.
  4. Select the screens that will trigger the alert when someone looks up a client who does not have the required index value assigned.
  5. Click the Update button.

Keep in mind that requiring an index in Business Mode will only be available in the Advanced - Add new Client Form.

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How to assign indexes to a group of people simultaneously

You may use the Modify Tagged Clients tool to assign an index to all clients that you've tagged.

  1. Tag a list of clients you'd like to assign an index to.
  2. Home &gt; Manager Tools &gt; Modify Tagged Clients
  3. Set the Update drop-down menu to Client Indexes.
  4. Choose the Index and Value you'd like to assign to the tagged clients in the corresponding drop-down menus.
  5. You may choose to update all tagged clients or only those who do not have a value already assigned by utilizing the checkbox beside Set for ALL Tagged Clients (unchecked - only updates Tagged Clients who do NOT already have a value assigned to this index) .
  6. Click Update Tagged Clients.Â